Plantain, one of the most useful 'weeds' you can find in your yard! If you're in your yard and get a bee sting, grab some leaves and crush them, put it on the bee sting...I put a bandaid over it to hold it in place until the sting stops. Or you can use a spit poultice, chew a few leaves and then place on the sting.
This old time remedy really works! Use it on bug bites to stop the itching, or on any itchy issues.
When I moved to the house I live in now, I had gotten a bee sting while on my motorcycle. And wouldn't you know it...my new place didn't have any plantain in the yard!! I fixed that issue immediately. I found some at my old house and brought the seeds to the new house. Now I have so much plantain that I harvest it several times a year to use in my Calendula Paste. My husband is forbidden from using any weed killer on this most useful plant!!
Read more about all the great things this little weed can do for you: